
Structured Products News from SPA

Saturday, October 25, 2008

SRP: US, Canada Exclude Structured Notes from Gov't Guarantees

by Lori Pizzani

US and Canadian officials have clarified the terms of their temporary liquidity guarantee programmes, each of which excludes traditional structured products from the list of debt securities qualifying for insurance coverage.

SRP has confirmed with both the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) in the US and the Department of Finance in Canada that structured notes and other structured investments issued by banks and bank holding companies will not qualify for the temporary insurance coverage afforded to other senior unsecured debt over the next three years.

The US FDIC clarified its position in a board meeting yesterday afternoon, at which Art Murton, the FDIC’s director of the Division of Insurance & Research, explained “Not covered are contingent liabilities, derivatives, derivative-linked securities such as structured products and a variety of other instruments outlined…” Later in the day FDIC issued an official interim rule reiterating this position.

FDIC announced the liquidity guarantee programme on 14 October, saying at the time it would include senior unsecured debt issued by qualified banks. That memorandum raised the hopes of members of the US structured products industry that its investment products would be included under the plan.

On 21 October the Structured Products Association (SPA) sent a letter to the FDIC noting that with $120bn in new issuance per year, the issuance of structured products represents a significant component of issuers' funding operations and requesting specific clarification.

“I think reasonable minds can differ. I do respect their opinion,” SPA founder and chairman Keith Styrcula told SRP. “I hope they’re open to hearing our comments,” he added, in response to the FDIC’s simultaneous announcement that it will open a 15-day comment period.

Separately, the Department of Finance Canada yesterday announced a similar, parallel, 'lenders assurance facility' to provide temporary insurance for “new issues of certain senior unsecured marketable wholesale debt instruments…” SRP’s request for clarification prompted a spokesman for Finance Canada to confirm “The plan will not extend to retail structured investments issued by Canadian banks – only to non-complex wholesale debt obligations.”

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